Belief vs Knowledge (Gnosis)

Why do people just believe crazy things without researching the root or origin and then defend those things as if they came up with them? To fix this.... Start by understanding science, philosophy, and the mind. I also recommend to "Know Thyself" - Thales. I then suggest to begin looking into the origins of things. You will start to see patterns unfold. As humans we are riddled with cognitive biases like confirmation bias, pareidolia, Dunning-Kruger, and very flawed memories. The only solution is to be aware of these biases and more importantly be honest with yourself. From doing our podcast over the past 4 years I have learned and grown a ton. We began with the spiritual/mystical and I realized without knowing the science and philosophy behind what is possible in this realm you can not have an accurate take on metaphysics. We tend to build myths and narratives when we don't understand something, but I have found a lot of myth/narrative builders are not really trying to understand in a non biased way and they are not even aware of it. I have experienced weird and metaphysical things via meditation, psychedelic experiences, and a UAP sighting. These experiences were "Real Gnosis". Having experienced those things I do think there is more to life and we are living breathing magic in some sense. That being said I see very few people who have good takes on these experiences that I can relate to. Some of our favorite podcast guests are those people I can relate to. My point of this whole rant is if you are going to look into and debate metaphysical or fringe things it is good to know what is possible based on what we know via science, philosophy, and the mind before arguing with people. Chances are having those tools and trying to understand the origins of things will lead you to real knowledge.

- Mike


Epistemology & UFO’s